WP 1 – Project management
T1.1 Organization of coordination meetings
T1.2 Overall project management
T1.3 Local project management
T1.4 Reporting
WP2 – Preparation for development of dual study program in agroecology
T 2.1 Data collection within partner institutions and key stakeholders
T 2.2 Synthesis of data analysis and making conclusions about Kazakh needs
T2.3 Preparation of Partner Country Report
T2.4 Definition of learning outcomes and competencies
WP3 – Curriculum development
T3.1 Devising curricula
T3.2 Devising contractual document
WP4 – Preparation for implementation of new bachelor and LLL programs
T4.1 Preparation for purchase of equipment
T4.2 Organization of study visits of staff from Kazakhstan to program countries
T4.3 Organizations of workshops in Kazakhstan
T4.4 Preparation of the Guide in dual methodology
T4.5 Preparation of the courses and teaching material
T4.6 Organization of the workshop on LLL
T4.7 Accreditation of the laboratories
T4.8 Accreditation of BA study programs in AE with DE
WP5 – Implementation of the program
T5.1 Implementation of BA study program in AE with DE
T5.2 Organization of LLL program
T5.3 Survey feedback
WP6 – Quality control and monitoring
T6.1 Defining plan for project quality control and monitoring
T6.2 Metrics for AGROKAZ
T6.3 Internal project control and monitoring
T6.4 External evaluation
WP7 – Dissemination and exploitation of project activities and results
T7.1 Set-up dissemination and exploitation plan
T7.2 Design of project visual identity
T7.3 Design and setup of project website
T7.4 Raising awareness for AGROKAZ
T7.5 Final Conference